Have you been in the search for a way to boost your overall health in a natural, non-invasive manner? Studies have shown that castor oil and castor oil packs have been used as a way to naturally reduce inflammation, support hormonal imbalances, decrease anxiety, and improve antioxidant status (among many other things).
Benefits of Castor Oil Packs
Functional health is an integral part of our daily lives. It impacts our mood, energy, and stress levels, which have a strong correlation to other components of our lives, such as health, relationships, work, and more. By maintaining our functional health, we are able to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, which is where castor oil packs come into play. There are numerous benefits associated with castor oil packs, which include:
Helping with deep sleep and relaxation
Decreasing anxiety and depression
Balancing your mood by stimulating dopamine (our “feel good” neurotransmitter) and oxytocin (the love and attachment hormone)
Calming the nervous system
Improving antioxidant status
Decreasing inflammation
Reducing cramping in menstrual flow
Supporting hormonal imbalances
Aiding in scar tissue reduction
Improving digestion, absorption and bowel movements
Supporting hormonal problems such as estrogen dominance, PCOS, menopause, PMS, PMDD, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, fertility issues ovarian cysts, fibroids, and fibrocystic breasts
It’s also safe, easy, and effective for children!
Possible Side Effects
In rare cases, you can become fatigued when using castor oil packs because the body is already compromised and sluggish, and may not be accustomed in trying to rebalance itself. Another rare case that may result from the use of castor oil packs is the occurrence of a skin rash (if this occurs, it is suggested to stop using the pack and your rash should subside within 24 hours). As with all other medical treatments, it’s important to take precautions and ask for professional medical advice to reduce the risk of potential side effects.
Recommended Amount of Use and Common Placement of Castor Oil Pack.
Castor oil packs should be used both day and night. Ideally, they should be worn for at least an hour if applied during the day, or all night if applied right before you go to sleep. The most common placement of the pack is on the liver, underneath the rib cage. This area covers many of the digestive organs, including the stomach, pancreas, small and large intestines, adrenals, kidneys, and the many lymph nodes in this area. In fact, castor oil packs can be used locally for treatments such as ovarian cysts, fibroid, and joint pain of all types. One bonus component about these oil packs is that the placement can be alternated from liver to other areas of concern as well, from inflamed or strained joints or muscles to your lower abdomen for menstrual pain